Ask martin Terms & conditions

The Ask Martin service is provided by Spinlove Limited, company number 12591308.

All questions asked using the Ask Martin service will be answered by Martin Gaine personally. Martin Gaine is a director of Spinlove Limited.

All advice is provided in good faith. The client understands that Martin Gaine is a chartered town planner, with expertise in planning matters, but is not a solicitor and not an expert on planning law. The client also accepts that planning processes are uncertain and that advice given in respect of the likely outcome of a planning application or appeal, for example, is not a guarantee that such an outcome will be obtained. 

The client agrees with the company that a sum representing the higher of £20,000 or twenty (20) times the fees charged to the client for the advice requested represents a fair maximum limit to our liability as a firm in the event of any one claim arising in respect of the advice given. This maximum total liability includes any claims for loss or damage, however caused, whether in respect of breaches of contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise in respect of the professional services and shall also include all other related costs including legal fees, interest, etc. 

The company acknowledges that the limit in respect of its total aggregate liability will not apply to any acts, omissions or representations that are in any way criminal, dishonest or fraudulent on the part of the company.

The company shall use all reasonable endeavours to meet any performance dates specified, but any such dates shall be estimates only and time shall not be of the essence for performance of the service provided.

The client shall provide the company with such information and materials as it may reasonably require in order to provide the advice requested and ensure that such information is accurate in all material respects. Deliberate withholding or misrepresenting of facts will affect the content and accuracy of the advice provided. 

All Intellectual Property Rights in or arising out of or in connection with the advice provided shall be owned by Spinlove Limited. The advice shall be relied upon by the client only, in application to the client’s own circumstances. 

The company will treat all information received by the client in the strictest confidence. 

The company will not be liable for any errors or omissions which may result from the information supplied on planning histories, site survey information etc by Local Authorities, Statutory Undertakers and other relevant bodies.

Where specialist advice is required in certain areas, the company may need to seek this from or refer the client to appropriate specialists. Wherever possible the company will discuss and agree a fee for any additional work in advance. 

The company is not registered for VAT.